Climate Action in South Boston
South Boston NDC’s efforts to address the local impacts of climate change began in 2019. As one of Boston’s most climate-vulnerable neighborhoods, South Boston is especially at risk of rising sea levels along the coast, increased inland flooding from extreme weather events and storm surge, and the public health implications of concentrated heat islands prevalent in the densely-developed neighborhood.
Our climate work involves making our internal operations and building portfolio more sustainable, and working with other community stakeholders to raise climate awareness and spur action throughout the neighborhood.
South Boston NDC becomes Climate Hub
As climate change makes extreme weather worse and less predictable, emergency services are increasingly overstretched. Climate Resilience Hubs prepare residents before emergencies strike, so that residents are equipped and know what to do.
As a new HUB, South Boston NDC will have available brochures about extreme weather preparedness and will organize an educational event about emergency preparedness.
Shrinking our Carbon Footprint
Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and improving efficiency across our portfolio
Solar panels were installed on the roof of one of our multifamily buildings near Andrew Square in the fall of 2020.
In 2018, nearly 70% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the city of Boston were produced by buildings. Small residential buildings alone were responsible for 20% of all GHG emissions in the city. Electricity and natural gas usage accounted for 90% of the emissions, while fuel oil and steam made up just 10%.
As the owner and manager of more than 300 residential units across South Boston, we recognize our role in reducing GHG emissions. In 2019 we began taking the following steps:
Working with Resonant Energy, we are installing rooftop solar panels on 13 of our buildings, which will generate nearly half of our electricity usage using solar energy instead of fossil fuels (expected completion: spring 2021).
Installing cleaner and more efficient heating and cooling systems to further shift away from reliance on fossil fuels.
Addressing energy loss in our older buildings through weatherization.
Making it easy for tenants to use less energy with programmable thermostats, water-saving devices and more efficient appliances.
We also launched efforts to divert waste from entering landfills by educating tenants on recycling practices and making it easier for them to recycle in our buildings. In 2020, we implemented a system to begin tracking energy use across our buildings and compiled materials to help residents lower their energy use and utility costs.
Thank you to our supporters
Our weatherization and energy efficiency work was made possible by the support of these organizations:
Climate Action Partners
How can we work together to address climate change at the neighborhood level?
In 2019, the South Boston Association of Non Profits identified climate change as one key topic to be addressed through the neighborhood-wide network of human service providers and community-based organizations. South Boston NDC took a lead role as the coordinator of SBANP’s collective efforts, and since summer 2019 has collaborated with seven other community groups and more than 200 youths to raise awareness and take action about climate change.
In conversations with local residents of all ages, business owners, elected officials, agency leaders, educators, and other stakeholders, we found that there is high interest among South Boston community members to take action on climate change. There are also a lot of questions about where to start, and what individuals can do at the local level to make a meaningful difference.
The success of our work in 2019 inspired the launch of South Boston Climate Action Partners as a way for all community members to work together to answer those questions and find ways to mitigate and prepare for the ways that a changing climate will impact South Boston.
Get Involved
Email us at sbcap@sbndc.org to find out about upcoming projects and events.
Climate Action Partners programming paused in 2020 due to the pandemic. We expect to restart this work in 2021.