Meet Our Team
Executive Director
Donna Brown
Development and Communications
Ginger DeShaney
Finance Director
Maureen Menconi
Farmers Market/ Community Garden Manager
Courtney Mulligan
Director of Maintenance
Owen McCarthy
Alan Coveney, Mike Barry
Property Manager
Michelle Zenga
Residential Coordinator, Patriot Homes/Assistant Property Manager
Christine Kelly
Board of Directors
Robert Monahan
Director of Operations,
Julie’s Family Learning Program
Resident of South Boston
Eileen MacNeil
Executive Director, Huntington Avenue YMCA
Resident of South Boston
Charlotte Tuminelli
Senior Training Manager, Evidence for Policy Design at Harvard Kennedy School
Resident of South Boston
Amanda Alberda
Assistant Project Manager, Trinity Financial
Resident of South Boston
Karen O’Brien
Intake Specialist for the Gavin Foundation
Cushing House for Girls
Resident of South Boston
Antonio Saez
South Boston Neighborhood House, Board Member
Resident of South Boston
Mercy Robinson
Executive Director, South Boston En Accion
Resident of South Boston
Burns Stanfield
Pastor, Fourth Presbyterian Church
Co-chair, Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
Robert Keough
Attorney with Cumsky and Levin, LLP
Former resident of South Boston
Robert Rubinstein
Housing counselor for the homeless
Resident of South Boston