Economic Development
Vibrant, diverse neighborhoods require vibrant, diverse local economies.
South Boston NDC supports economic development and provides assistance to local small businesses through its fiscal management of the South Boston Chamber of Commerce. South Boston NDC provides staffing and administrative support to the Chamber and assists in the management of the Chamber’s programs, including the Street Festival and Christmas and Spring Strolls. These business promotion opportunities are also valued community events that encourage local shopping and dining in support of neighborhood entrepreneurs.
South Boston NDC also owns three commercial spaces which are rented below market rate to small business owners serving the community, including a bakery, a plant shop, and a cafe.
Join the Chamber
South Boston businesses are encouraged to join the South Boston Chamber of Commerce. Chamber members are eligible to participate in the South Boston Street Festival, Spring and Christmas strolls, and are invited to networking events throughout the year, Click here to learn more.
Business Promotion and Community Events
We partner with the South Boston Chamber of Commerce to organize fun events that showcase South Boston’s thriving small business community.
Taste of South Boston
The Taste of South Boston, a local tradition for 18 years, offers attendees an opportunity to sample South Boston’s best cuisine. Local restaurants, including old neighborhood favorites and South Boston Waterfront newcomers, present their best dishes for a taste of the town. The event also offers live entertainment and a silent auction. Proceeds from the event help us preserve affordable apartments in South Boston.
Spring & Christmas Strolls
Seasonal celebrations support neighborhood establishments with an evening of discounts, special events and entertainment. The Christmas Stroll features a visit from Santa, hot chocolate, and a Christmas Tree Lighting at the South Boston Branch Library. In the spring, catch a lift from a Pedicab and welcome the warmer weather with the festive sounds of the New Orleans Dixieland Band.
South Boston Street Festival
The South Boston Chamber of Commerce sponsors the Annual South Boston Street Festival the third Saturday of each September. Over the past 20 years, the signature business promotion event has grown to include more than 100 local businesses and organizations, and two stages of live entertainment, attracting thousands of residents and visitors to this highly anticipated community event.