South Boston deserves affordability!

The BPDA is hosting a virtual public meeting Thursday, Dec. 9, from 6-8 p.m. to discuss the recently filed PNF for the Mary Ellen McCormack Redevelopment project in South Boston. The meeting will include a presentation followed by Q&A and comments from the public.

The proposed project will provide 100% replacement of the existing 1,016 deeply affordable homes for current Mary Ellen McCormack residents while adding almost 2,000 luxury residential units. There are no plans for units for middle-income families.

South Boston NDC is urging residents to take two steps:

  • Attend this meeting and ask the developers to include inclusionary development units for middle-income families and extend the comment period. You can register for the Zoom meeting with this link:

  • Sign the petition to demand more affordable housing in South Boston.

South Boston does not need more luxury housing. Our community needs homes that are affordable to working families and seniors.

Please sign our petition and join South Boston residents in demanding affordable housing! We will be bringing this petition to the developers and city officials.

Thank you for supporting affordability in South Boston!

South Boston demands affordability!