Meet Adam Gibbons, O'Connor Way's new Resident Services Coordinator

Adam Gibbons has hit the ground running in his new role as Resident Services Coordinator at South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation’s O'Connor Way Senior Housing.

On the job since Feb. 22, 2023, he’s learning the ropes and everyone’s names, and kicking his new career path into high gear.

“I’ve been learning how things have worked, how the calendars work,” said Adam, whose background is quite diverse. “I want to hear people’s aspirations and views about what we could do.”

He sees his job as nurturing the O’Connor Way community, doing community building, and supporting the residents. “I want to find out what they want and help them achieve that.” 

Adam has always been interested in community growth and quality of life, values his family instilled in him, and has spent his career working in that realm.

He was a public school teacher for 12 years: 6 of those years as a social studies teacher, 2 years as a band director, and 2 years directing an after-school program. About 10 years ago, he knew he wanted to be involved with community development corporations, and held various consulting roles, including his work on Tech Goes Home, serving as a coordinator for Renew Boston, running a small business grants program, doing small business support and marketing, and creating a class to help entrepreneurs.

Most recently, Adam, who lives in Fields Corner with his wife and daughter, worked part time for Ethos with the Meals on Wheels program before switching to the congregate site at South Boston Neighborhood House (SBNH). He really enjoyed the work, the Ollie staff, and the participants.

And from that he decided he wanted to be part of an organization instead of an independent consultant.

When the position came up at O’Connor Way, Kathy Lafferty, SBNH Executive Director, and Carole Sullivan, SBNH’s Senior Advocate/Director of Senior Programs, encouraged Adam to think about it. South Boston NDC contracts with SBNH to provide the coordinator.

Adam was inspired by the South Boston NDC crew of Christine Kelly, Michelle Zenga, and Donna Brown and knew it was a great fit.

Prior to Adam’s hiring, O’Connor Way had two part-timers. Adam is full time in this role with Claire Lyons continuing to work part time.

Adam’s first priority is meeting all the residents and finding out what they want and need and “providing that in efficient and convenient ways.”

He will be connecting residents with resources (which could be related to health, grief, hobbies, volunteer opportunities, transportation, nutrition, etc.), developing activities, and supporting education.

He will also be focused on the many benefits available for seniors, such as SNAP and EBT, food stamps, and Meals on Wheels.

“Not having worked in the elder adult care world, I’ve got a lot to learn,” he said, noting he has a lot of people to lean on at SBNH and South Boston NDC.

He'll be putting up a “get to know me” board where residents can write questions for him on index cards or tell him about themselves. He’ll also have an office mailbox (or suggestion box) as a way to communicate or, for example, a place for residents to drop off paperwork they may need help with. And of course, residents can always pop into the office.

“I've had so many wonderful conversations with residents about their careers and the experiences that people bring,” he said, "and people have been so welcoming and friendly. There's such a great community here at O'Connor Way Senior Housing."

Adam has already been in touch with – and has offered his support to – the O’Connor Way resident committee. This group organizes the O’Connor Way St. Patrick’s Day boiled dinner (“People love it. It's clearly famous around here,” he said) and put together a welcome brunch for Adam.

The committee listens to residents and communicates with property management. And Adam and the committee are working to improve communication with the handful of residents who don’t speak English as their first language.

Adam knows the importance of affordable housing and looks forward to learning more about it.  “It’s as essential as water and air. And it's amazing what the residents, SBNDC, and SBNH have developed here over the past three years. I'm so proud to be a new part of this community."

Adam and an O’Connor Way resident chatting at the St. Patrick’s Day boiled dinner.


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