Edison Site Public Meeting on Jan. 13


776 Summer Street Public Meeting
Date: Monday, Jan. 13
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Tynan School, 650 E 4th Street

If your plans for 2020 include getting involved – or staying involved – in the changes shaping South Boston, you should try to attend the public meeting on Monday, Jan. 13, 7 p.m. at the Tynan, 650 E 4th St.

Developers will discuss their plans for the former Edison Plant at Summer/L and 1st Streets, referred to as the 776 Summer Street project. At 15 acres, the scale of this mixed-use project is huge, so even if you live on the other side of town you will likely be impacted in some way. 

Last year, South Boston NDC joined over 150 neighborhood residents in asking developers to build even more truly affordable units than the city requires, and to include housing designed for seniors who are most at-risk of being displaced from their current homes in South Boston.

Whether or not you share our position on housing at the site, all South Boston residents deserve to know what the developers have planned for the area and to have their voice heard about this project.

Please mark your calendar this meeting, and click here to learn about plans for the Edison site and to submit a public comment.


South Boston NDC advocates for affordability


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