Aid Network Distributes 112 Care Kits to South Boston Families in Need
Volunteer and South Boston resident Mike Gibson helps assemble Care Kits on the patio at SBNDC's offices in May.
The South Boston Neighborhood Aid Network distributed the last of its Care Kits last week to South Boston families in the Mary Ellen McCormack housing development. In total, SBNAN volunteers delivered 112 kits to families across the neighborhood.
The Care Kits were funded by the MOMS Club of South Boston, the Boston Resiliency Fund grants, individual donors and SBNDC.
The kits included an assortment of household essentials and toiletries, like surface sanitizing wipes, toilet paper, soap, laundry detergent, masks, and toothpaste. Each kit also included a gift card to a grocery store and the South Boston Resource Packet compiled and updated by SBNDC for the Aid Network.
Click here to view or print the South Boston Resource Packet in English.
Haga clic aquí para ver o imprimir el Paquete de recursos de South Boston en español.