Join Our First-Ever Halloween Scavenger Hunt for a Chance to Win Prizes!

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The decision not to hold the Chamber of Commerce's annual Trick or Treat on Broadway was a tough one. We know that many families look forward to and enjoy this event, and that it helps promote our small businesses, but organizing an event that draws large crowds did not feel safe or appropriate given current circumstances.

So the Chamber has come up with a fun, all-ages alternative which we are very excited about and hope you will be, too! 

South Boston's first-ever Jack O'Lantern's Halloween Scavenger Hunt kicked off Monday, Oct. 12. The community-wide activity offers participants of all ages a chance to win prizes and explore our beautiful neighborhood throughout October.

We hope the Scavenger Hunt will encourage you to explore parts of the neighborhood you might not be as familiar with and stop into some businesses you haven't patronized in a while. 

What it is
Our cheeky friend Jack O’Lantern will be hiding shamrocks all around South Boston, and you're invited to help us find them! Look for shamrocks hidden in window displays and among Halloween decorations, in flower pots, hanging in windows, and lots of other places you would not expect to see them (at least not in October). 
To play along:

  • Pick up a Jack O'Lantern's Halloween Scavenger Hunt Card at participating businesses listed here, or print your own at home from the Chamber website. 

  • Go on the hunt! Explore the neighborhood looking for hidden shamrocks and use your card to keep track of the shamrocks you've found. Keep an eye on the Chamber's social media for hints!

  • When you have found 10 shamrocks, drop off your completed card at one of the locations on the card, or take a picture and email it to

Completed cards will be entered into weekly raffles for gift cards to local businesses and a goodie bag, starting Oct. 16! 

Businesses and residents throughout South Boston are encouraged to hide a shamrock! Hide one that you already have on hand – we know the St. Patrick's Day decorations didn't get enough use this year! – or download a printable version here. Get creative – hide a shamrock among your Halloween decorations, in a window, in a flower pot – just make sure they are visible from the street.

Be sure to look for hints on the Chamber’s Facebook page!


Home for the Holidays at O’Connor Way


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