Only a few Farmers Market days left this season

Come see us at the South Boston Farmers Market on Monday, one of the last market days before we close for the season at the end of the month.

If you're enjoying a day off from work on Monday, stop by and see what seasonal treats Wenger's Farms has to offer. It's apple and gourd season! Be sure to visit the Manager's table for a reusable bag and to get your loyalty card stamped.

There are just three more Market Days for the 2019 season; the last day of the market is Oct. 28. The market runs from 12 to 6 PM every Monday through October, at 446 West Broadway (in front of the municipal parking lot). Stay up to date with market news - find us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Upcoming Farmers Market Event Days

  • Harvest Day (Market Closing) - Oct. 28


SBNDC recycles right


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