Springtime Gratitude from SBNDC

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As difficult as these past weeks have been for all of us, we at South Boston NDC have found comfort and hope in the many ways that South Boston community members have stepped up for one another. 

We are celebrating some of those efforts, to share some good news and gratitude. For one thing, we are grateful to our youth gardeners Noah, Robert and Courtney, who planted the tulip and daffodil bulbs last fall that are providing this burst of cheerful color at the D Street Open Garden!

Read on to join us in recognizing more contributions to the community!


Thank Yous

  • This year’s Taste of South Boston would have taken place less than a month ago, though now it feels like the distant past. The decision to cancel the event was a difficult one, and we are deeply grateful to the Taste of South Boston sponsors who maintained their commitment: Bilt-Rite Construction, Boston Global Investors, Boston Home Inspectors, City of Boston Credit Union, Core Investments, Dedham Savings, Massport, Krems, Jackowitz & Carman, LLP, and Stanton Insurance.

  • We also send a heartfelt thank you to the Taste of South Boston ticket holders who were willing and able to convert their ticket purchase into a donation for South Boston NDC. Your support is especially meaningful at this time!

  • Our local elected officials have been highly responsive and attentive throughout this crisis, attending weekly SBANP meetings and continually checking in with neighborhood institutions and residents to hear about emerging needs. Most recently, elected officials secured face masks and hand sanitizer for South Boston NDC tenants, who face a high risk of infection from COVID-19. Our City Councilors in particular strongly advocated for the SBANP application to the Boston Resiliency Fund. We thank City Councilors Ed Flynn and Michael Flaherty, State Sen. Nick Collins, State Rep. David Biele, and Congressman Stephen Lynch for their continued partnership and collaboration during this time.

  • Thank you to the dedicated staff of the South Boston Neighborhood House, who shared donated meals with our vulnerable seniors and Patriot Homes residents. 

  • Thank you to the generous and talented Ms. Conciecao, who donated 100 of her handmade masks to South Boston seniors and high-risk residents, and to Maureen Dahill and Linda Champion for helping to facilitate the donation and distribution!

  • Thank you to the City of Boston’s Inspectional Services Department staff for recognizing the critical need for affordable housing, and granting special permission for some work to continue at O’Connor Way Senior Homes project. Although construction has largely been suspended at the site, ISD made it possible for some essential tasks to be completed to ensure that when construction can be restarted, the project will not be unnecessarily delayed.

  • And of course, we thank the first responders, healthcare professionals, and essential workers who are going to work every day, in spite of the dangers, to keep the rest of us safe, healthy, and fed.


Boston Resiliency Fund awards Southie nonprofits


South Boston NDC receives PPP loan