South Boston NDC

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SBNDC recycles right

After learning this summer that South Boston has among the lowest recycling rates in the city, SBNDC is rolling out this recycling initiative to all of our properties. Our West Fourth Street residents were excited to learn about recent changes to recycling rules in Boston and to receive some new tools to make recycling easier.

SBNDC provided residents with magnets illustrating how to recycle, and issued reusable bags to gather recyclable materials in their apartments and transport them to the building trash area.

We talked about what can be recycled and what cannot, why recycling is important, and ways that SBNDC can make it even easier for residents.

Thanks to feedback from residents, we will be adding an additional recycling container at the building and posting more signage to help them remember the rules.

We are also working to promote more recycling throughout the neighborhood – Click here for your own printable poster!